I am afraid to apply, what should I do?
In the first place, we advise you to gather more information about the topic, contact others and talk about it to your family and friends. If you feel ready for a consultation, contact us to learn more about the surgery and your possibilities.
The consultation does not oblige you for anything. The meeting has a friendly and intimate atmosphere where only you and the specialist are present. We are contacted by lot of similar patients, so we know how to answer your questions.
I want the surgery, what should I do with my gastric band?
Gastric bands may cause several complications, so this surgical intervention is applied only at a few places. The band should be removed before the gastric sleeve or bypass surgery. It happens through surgical intervention. Whether the removal and the bariatric surgery can be executed at the same or not depends on individual circumstances.
I want the surgery, but it turned out that I have gallstones during the abdominal ultrasound. What should I do?
Removal of the gall bladder and the bypass surgery can be carried out at the same time.
I want the surgery, but I have a heart disease. What to do?
Excess weight can cause heart disease and high blood pressure. The anaesthesiologist will precisely measure the heart’s condition and how much it can take. Every patient undergo ECG during the examinations, but in case of heart disease sometimes other tests (heart ultrasound, stress ECG) or the expert opinion of a cardiologist are also necessary.
What is going to happen with the closed part of the gastric? Does that part die?
No, nothing is going to happen to it. It will not die. It will remain in a resting state, but it will still produce gastric juice and hormones. Later these materials will also enter the alimentary canal and the body’s circulation.
When can I lose a significant amount of weight?
The final weight will be reached approximately 18 months after surgery. During the first 9 months weight loss happens faster. Losing weight will be slower in the second 9 months.
How much weight can I lose with bypass surgery?
Generally patients lose 70-80% of their extra body weight during a 18-24 months period after the surgery. However, it is not only a result of the surgery, but the result of lifestyle changes, healthy diet and regular exercise.
I take contraceptive pills. What principals should I follow before and after the surgery?
You need to stop hormonal contraception 4 weeks before the surgery. For this period we advise to use other alternatives. The reason is that contraception slightly increases the risk of thrombosis. You can continue taking the pills four weeks after surgery.
Can I have laparoscopic surgery if I had abdominal surgery before? What if I have stoma?
Yes you can. Of course you need to tell your doctor about all your previous surgeries with special attention to the stomach and pelvic area. Many forget their childhood surgeries. The best approach is to avoid surprises!
Does type two diabetes increase surgical risks?
Yes it does. You need to follow the guidelines we give to you during the surgery. Almost everybody that suffers from type two diabetes can have significant improvement or full recovery after the surgery.
Can I have laparoscopic surgery if I have a heart disease?
Yes, but we need a cardiologist’s medical opinion. After bariatric surgery, most heart condition improves, including:
- high blood pressure
- high cholesterol level
- lipid problems heart enlargement
- vascular (artery and vein) and coronary artery (heart vein) disease
During the consultation, you should inform your doctor about any of these. If you take any blood thinners, you will get specific instruction before and after your surgery.
How much weight loss should I expect?
In the long run, patients lose 75-80% of their excess body weight due to bariatric surgery (gastric sleeve or bypass surgeries).
Does the surgery only by itself provide continuous weight loss?
No. A small percentage of patients gain back a significant amount of their lost weight. This primarily happens when the patient does not follow the diet principals in the following months.
Can we turn back a bariatric surgery?
Gastric bypass potentially can be turned back. The process requires same level surgery and involves the same risks like the original intervention. Process cannot be turned back in the case of gastric sleeve surgery.
Which bariatric surgery suits me the best?
We will decide it together during your consultation.
What risk factors come with bariatric surgery?
Every abdominal surgery carries the following risks:
- Bleeding
- Infection of the surgical wound and the abdominal cavity
- Heart and/or respiratory complications, including thrombosis
- Intestinal obstruction, bowel adhesion and internal hernia
- Developing abdominal hernia
- Anastomotic insufficiency
- Related to general anaesthesia
- Death rate related to weight loss surgeries is very low, it is less than 0,5 %.
What is laparoscopy exactly?
Hollow organs can be examined perfectly by a little camera (optical instrument) that is led into the body through a natural orifice or little cuts. Defects and mutations can be treated with the help of special instruments. This is what we call endoscopy. For example, the recording of the camera we lead into the abdominal cavity can be followed on a screen. During laparoscopic surgeries, diagnostic and therapeutic interventions are carried out with special instruments led into the abdominal cavity. The advantage of this technique is that the we do not have to cut the stomach, we only have to create little entrances on the skin and the abdominal wall. Recovery is a lot faster, less painful and the wound will be a lot more aesthetic. Bariatric surgeries are carried out with this laparoscopic technique.
Will I need assistance when I get home?
By the time you leave the hospital, you need to be able to take care of yourself. However, special needs patients may need some extra help.
How much time should pass by before I start driving?
Do not drive unless you can move fast and you are fully aware of your surroundings. You need to stop taking the medication first. This usually takes 1-2 weeks.
When can I go back to work?
Most patients return to their workplace within one or two weeks. For some time, you will have less energy after the surgery. We will give you direct instructions. Most employers want you to return to your workplace as soon as possible, even if you will not be able to do every task. But safety comes first and low energy levels can be dangerous at some workplaces.
When should I start exercising after the surgery?
Immediately! You will take short walks even in the hospital. Most important thing is to take up exercise gradually. Weight lifting and sports must be low key in the first month. You should increase intensity slowly. You can only go swimming when all wounds are healed.
What diet to follow after surgery? What to exercise?
Most people think that after bariatric surgery they will be hungry all the time. However, most people does not really feel hungry. After 6-18 months, some of the appetite may come back, but this feeling will be less intense. You will be able to satisfy your hunger a lot easier than ever before. Of course it doesn’t mean you can eat anything. To reach good results, it is very important to stick to a healthy diet.
Most people think exercise should be intense and painful. The truth is that regular, less intense sports are more useful in the long run. If you push yourself too hard, you will quit the sport later. You need to make a plan which is useful for you. Unfortunately there is no common plan for that works for everyone. You need to create your own!
For people (including people with normal body weight) doing sports is highly important for dissolving stress and controlling body weight. As people get older, their inactivity may result in the fragility of the bone structure. Keeping a good condition of bones and avoiding the loss of muscle tissue depends on weekly exercise.
I cannot go.
Almost everyone can find an activity that can be considered as moderate exercise, even those who suffer from arthritis, joint abrasion or spinal pain. You may need special physiotherapist to find the exercise that suits you best.
How many controls do I need after the surgery?
During the first year after the surgery people generally need 4-6 controls. After that, a control will take place in every half year. This will go on for an undefined period of time.
When can I get pregnant after the surgery? Will I have a healthy baby?
Most women will become more fertile after surgery. Contraceptive pills do not function properly for obese patients. These pills are not reliable when your body weight is changing. You will need to have a contraceptive coil or to use condoms during sexual intercourse. Your period will be irregular and you have the chance to get pregnant when you least expect it to happen!
The general advice is to wait 12-18 months with pregnancy after your surgery. After a bariatric surgery, there will be fewer complications during pregnancy (gestational diabetes, eclampsia, fetal overgrowth) and delivery. The possibility of miscarriage and still-birth decreases compared to those cases when the mother did not have bariatric intervention. If the baby is born after the mother’s surgery, the risk of the baby becoming obese is lower, as certain genes do not activate during the fetus phase.
Will I need plastic surgery?
Most patients’ skin starts to slacken, but generally it’s only a temporary condition. During the first 6-18 months that follows the surgery, a lot of changes take place. Individual result depends on the lost kilograms, age, genetics, exercise of even smoking. Some patients decide to have plastic surgery to remove excess skin. I personally advise to wait at least 18 months with that after your surgery.
May my hair fall out after bariatric surgery?
Hair loss may take place in the first 3-6 months. We do not understand fully the reason behind this process. Even if you take the recommended food supplement, there is still a chance it is going to happen. However, it’s almost always temporary. Proper protein, vitamin and mineral intake helps hair growth and prevents the decrease of its quality.
Do I have to take vitamins and minerals after the surgery?
You need to take vitamins throughout your whole life. You may need vitamins and minerals in bigger doses, especially iron, Calcium and Vitamin-D.
Will my medication change after surgery?
During the weight loss journey, the necessity of taking medication for high blood pressure, heart disease, arthritis, cholesterol and diabetes may decrease or completely disappear.
Can I drink alcohol after the surgery?
Yes, but drink with caution.